Dixie Belle - Extra Coat
The Belle Brush
Polyvine Badger Softener Brush (2 sizes)
Amazing Casting Resin Kit
Basswood Canvas -12" x 12"
Polyvine Original Scumble
MDF 9"x12" Barn Plaque
Polyvine Wood Dye
Zuri Polymer Clay - Black
Mixed Media Journal W/Discs 6" X 9"
Serving Board - Round 10"
Paint & Wax Brush Set
MDF 8"x12" Rectangular Plaque with Four Panes
Dixie Belle - Gator Hide Varnish
Mod Podge Starter Pack 5/Pkg
Polyvine Glitter Paint Maker
Zuri Polymer Clay - White
Pine Decorative Serving Board 7"x 14"
Wooden Vignette Trays - 2/Pkg
DAS Air Dry Clay - Stone
Polyvine Heavy Duty Extreme Varnish
Zuri Acrylic Resin-Concrete
Art Display with Pine Rails -12" x 12"
Dixie Belle - Bonding BOSS