My Wishlist
My Wishlist is located inside the Home Screen menu bar at top, left.
You must be signed in under your Account in order to view My Wishlist.
Wishlist - Adding items
1. Make sure you are logged into your Decoupage Napkins store account. See icon to access this at top right of home page.
2. Click into the product page of the item you want to save in your wishlist.
3. Click the “Add to Wishlist” button
4. Check the box on the dialog box that pops up
5. Then click the “Add to List” button.
6. Now visit the “My Wishlist” icon at top of screen and click there. You should see your saved items
Wishlist - Subtracting Items
1. Make sure you are logged into your store account. (Top right corner)
2. Navigate to the My Wishlist tab.
3. Click on the product’s picture, that you want to remove.
4. Click the More Details link (located beneath the add to cart button). This takes you to the product page.
5. Click the Add To Wishlist button that is greyed out.
6. You’ll see a black box to the right of the item, in the box that pops up.
7. Uncheck this black box by clicking on it one time.
8. Then click the black Update Lists button.
9. Return to My Wishlist link and the item will now be gone.