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Compact mirror case decoupaged with rice paper and Glass Bead Gel

Easy Decoupage Ideas with Glass Bead Gel: Discover a World of Creativity

Have you ever seen the magic of Glass Bead Gel? If not, you're in for a treat.

Donna from Mason Creations Etc. recently shared a captivating video tutorial on how to use glass bead gel in decoupage projects. The results are simply stunning.


Donna begins by introducing us to the unsung hero of the crafting world: Glass Bead Gel. She not only praises its beauty, but also provides a step-by-step guide on how to use it.

The process starts with preparing a plastic mirror compact by giving it a matte finish. Then, Donna employs decoupage techniques using decoupage rice paper.

But that's not all. Donna goes above and beyond by adding depth to her creation with techniques such as:

  • Using modeling paste to create a smooth canvas.
  • Ensuring no brush strokes appear while painting.
  • Giving the product an aged porcelain look by adding a crackle finish.

However, the showstopper remains her use of Glass Bead Gel. Donna masterfully stencils it onto her project, demonstrating its versatility and potential. As she rightly states, one doesn't truly appreciate the gel's beauty until it dries. The finished product possesses an almost ethereal quality.

What makes Donna's approach so appealing is her attention to detail and the range of techniques she showcases. She provides a holistic tutorial for crafting enthusiasts, from her choice of using mica powder for coloring to her final touch with the glass bead gel, which gives the appearance of dew on flowers.

Donna also generously offers tips, such as how a bit of UV resin can give the flowers a porcelain feel or how one can achieve a vintage feel using antiquing techniques. She also gives a shout-out to DecoupageNapkins.com, showcasing the variety of products we offer crafters, from a diverse range of rice papers to the star of the show: glass bead gel.

In a world of crafting, where new techniques emerge every day, it's gems like Donna's video that remind us of the limitless creativity we all have within. For those who are eager to explore "Easy Decoupage Ideas," her tutorial provides both inspiration and instruction. And if glass bead gel wasn't on your radar before, it most certainly will be now.

For a more detailed look at how Donna masterfully incorporates the glass bead gel into her project, be sure to check out her video above. It's an artful journey you won't want to miss. Happy crafting!